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Our research is focused in the methodological development and integrated analysis of high throughput genetic and genomic studies. I previously lead the development of algorithms and content resulting in ProsignaTM, the only CE marked and FDA 510(k) cleared breast cancer diagnostic assay for FFPE tissue. We are currently involved in similar diagnostic development in multiple clinical trials where genomics are modeled to predict clinical outcomes in cancer.

In a separate role, I currently direct the sequencing, microarray, and other genomics analysis in the Bioinformatics Shared Resource at the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Bioinformatics Shared Resource provides consultation and analytical services primarily for the Cancer Center, but is also involved in collaborations across multiple departments and institutions. This role has brought a number of opportunities for technology development, primarily for sequencing data analysis. Here we are continuously developing algorithms and software to maximize the information content from novel sequencing assays.